Music NFT Projects

Zachary Eddolls (Eadwulf Music™) is a Music Producer, Vocalist, and Musician producing modern and unique pop and rap genre tunes from a Gen-Z perspective. Eadwulf’s music explores the emotional human experience and turbulence of growing up in a chaotic global society.

The Eadwulf Music Project, (WULF PACK™) is definitely under development and coming to you soon! We are adding to our development team so we can bring you quality music and graphic NFT Collector Cards.
We will be offering a tiered collection of NFT cards for the Wulf Pack™ NFT Project. Genesis drops will contain Lead Wulf Cards as the VIP first tier with other collector cards to follow. Some of them will coincide with Single Song releases and some with upcoming album releases. We will have a separate offering of collector cards on platforms that are GRAPHICS ONLY.

We plan to drop on OpenSea, Mintsongs, and Magic Eden first. However we are open to new and developing platforms which offer the most flexibility in file type. Further down the road map we will be offering Music Video NFT’s as a Deluxe produced VIDEO NFT to be published on the best of the best NFT platforms.

Proceeds will be used to further develop music projects, studio equipment, and further WEB3 development and integration on several platforms.
Artist Eadwulf™ already streams on Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud and YouTube. Listen and see if you vibe with Eadwulf Music.

Find and follow @EadwulfOfficial and @TFSNetworks for continued updates.